Professor Sklar is a Past-President of the African Studies Association (U.S.A.). He has taught at several universities in Africa, including the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, the University of Zambia and, as a Fulbright Professor, the University of Zimbabwe . His books include Nigerian Political Parties, Corporate Power in an African State (Zambia), African Crisis Areas and U.S. Foreign Policy (coedited with Gerald J. Bender and James S. Coleman), Postimperialism (coauthored with David G. Becker et. al.), African Politics and Problems in Development (coauthored with C.S. Whitaker), Postimperialism and World Politics (coedited with David G. Becker), and African Politics in Postimperial Times: The Essays of Richard L. Sklar . A complete listing of his publications may be found in his Curriculum Vitae.
1. Postimperialism is a class-analytic theory of political and social change inspired by the explosive growth of transnational corporate enterprise during the latter 20th century.
2. Developmental democracy posits a causal relationship between
democratic practice and economic development. See:
"Democracy in Africa,"
"Developmental Democracy"
and "Towards
a Theory of Developmental Democracy."
UCLA Political Science
James S. Coleman
African Studies Center (UCLA)
UCLA International Development
Studies Program